Remedies for winter self-care
The cold-weather months can be tough. Shorter days and a higher chance of catching a cold can leave us more vulnerable to being under the weather, both physically and emotionally.
Whether you become ill or not however – and how ill - is influenced by the strength of your immune system.
Having a cold two or three times a year is normal, but when your immune system isn’t at its best it can be hard to fully recover from a cold, and it can easily turn into a chest infection.
Here are 6 ways to improve your immunity:
1. Get enough rest and sleep – lack of sleep and proper rest have a huge impact on the immune system. Try to incorporate more down time in your day, this may mean saying no!
2. Eat a variety of vitamins and minerals - ideally through lots of different coloured vegetables. You might want to consider taking a multi-vitamin supplement during the winter months.
3. Take Vitamin D - you can read about the link between Vitamin D and immunity here.
4. Wash your hands regularly - especially before eating.
5. Look after your gut – did you know that 70-80% of our immune system is located in the gut? You can find ways to improve the happiness of your gut here.
6. Move your body regularly – just a 20-30 minute brisk walk every day can make a big difference.
If you do fall ill, homeopathy can help you feel better more quickly. It can be used at home alongside conventional medicines such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.
Here are some remedies you could try as part of your self-care in the winter season.
Colds and flu
ABC – Aconite/Belladonna/Chamomilla
This is a combination remedy which can be really useful in the early stages of a cold. Symptoms come on suddenly, often after being out in a cold wind. You may have a low-grade fever and feel chilly. It’s also a good remedy for teething or mild earache in children.
Symptoms come on gradually. You’ll feel a heaviness in your body and have flu-like aches and pains. You may be shivering all over and you’ll be very weary. You might find it hard to hold your head up and your eyelids will be droopy. You won’t feel thirsty but you’ll be sneezing a lot and you’ll have a runny nose – with a watery discharge.
There’s no sneezing with this remedy, and unlike with Gelsemium the nasal discharge is thick and yellow-green in colour. You’re likely to feel tearful and emotional. Children will be clingy and very changeable – fine one minute, then in floods of tears the next! You’ll feel chilly but still want the windows open for fresh air.
Digestive problems
During the Christmas period it’s easy to put more of a strain on our digestive system - when we’re busy and socialising we’re often less aware of what we’re eating and drinking.
Nux vomica
This is the number 1 hangover remedy! Whether it’s too much rich food, too much alcohol, drugs, lack of sleep – or all of the above – Nux Vomica is for over-indulgence on any level. You may have a headache, indigestion or nausea. Food lies like a stone in your stomach and you want to vomit but can’t. You feel grumpy and you may also be constipated.
Definitely a remedy to keep handy on Christmas Day :-)
This is the number 1 remedy for food poisoning, with vomiting and diarrhoea happening together. You’ll feel extremely weak and cold but have burning pains. You may feel so nauseous you can only take drinks at a sip, and you don’t want to be alone.
Lycopodium can be helpful if you suffer with bloating and wind after eating (even a small amount) and you can’t stop belching. You may also have heartburn or acid reflux. Onions, garlic, cabbage and beans are particular triggers and you’ll prefer hot drinks to cold.
Low mood and stress
Winter is a time when it can be hard to feel upbeat. With dark days and cold weather, Spring can seem a long way off. Christmas is a very joyful time for some, but for others it can bring a lot of emotional stress.
The expectation to socialise, the financial strain of buying gifts, the additional cooking – not to mention the pressure to look like we’re enjoying ourselves! – can easily leave us feeling frazzled and out of sorts.
Feelings of grief can also be heightened – whether it’s your first Christmas since a loved one died, or it happened many years ago, Christmas can be a particularly painful time.
This is the number 1 remedy for recent bereavement, but it’s also a great support when sad memories come up. Grief comes and goes, and the intensity of it can be powerful - even years later. Ignatia can help you cope.
AAA – Aconite / Arg Nit / Arsenicum
This is a combination remedy for anxiety and stress. It helps to calm the nervous system and it’s useful if you feel easily overwhelmed and prone to panicking.
This remedy wouldn’t be out of place in every woman’s Christmas stocking! If you feel exhausted, resentful, tied to the kitchen sink, aggravated by your nearest and dearest, basically at the end of your tether… Sepia can support you.
Homeopathy kits
Having your own remedies to hand in a kit makes it easier to help yourself or your family straight away when you feel unwell.
You can buy remedy kits from Helios pharmacy and every kit comes with a small booklet to help you select the most suitable remedy.
If you need help deciding which remedy to use you can contact Helios on 01892 537254 or the Homeopathic Helpline on 09065 343404.
The basic 18 kit covers most of the remedies I’ve listed above. You can purchase the others – including the ABC and AAA combinations - from Helios.
Always seek medical advice from the NHS if your symptoms do not improve or if you have a long-term medical condition.
If you’re already using homeopathy and would like help with a chronic condition, please do get in touch.
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